Weeping, I will beg at the lotus-feet of Lord Narasimha for the benediction of worshipping Radha and Krsna in Navadvipa, perfectly safe and free from all difficulties. When will this Lord Hari, Whose terrible form strikes fear into fear itself, ever become pleased and show me His mercy? Bhakti Vighna Vinashak Narasimha Dev, the destroyer of all obstacles on the path of bhakti, is very merciful to all his devotees and his appearance day, which is celebrated on the chaturdashi tithi of the Vaishakh month, is celebrated by one and all with great enthusiasm, with the desire to please lord Narahari and become fearless on the path of bhakti, so that we may attain the ultimate goal of life, which is the
Upon hearing the glories of Vishnu from his son, Hiranyakashipu asked him about the whereabouts of the Lord and Prahlad told him that the Supreme Personality is omnipres ent and is therefore present in every part of this universe. Envious as he was of the Lord, he
This material world is nothing but the perverted reflection of the spiritual world, and therefore all the rasas that are experienced here are present in their pure state in the Supreme Lord, and hence when once the Lord desired to taste vira rasa, the mellows of chivalry, the lord’s internal potency, Yogamaya, mada an arrangement that when the four Kumaras, who were exalted devotees of the lord, came to Vaikuntha, to take darshan of Lord Narayan, Jaya and Vijaya, the gate keepers of Vaikuntha, being influenced by Yogaymaya stopped them, Vaikuntha, to take darshan of Lord Narayan, Jaya and Vijaya, the gate keepers of Vaikuntha, being influenced by Yogaymaya stopped them,
Upon hearing the glories of Vishnu from his son, Hiranyakashipu asked him Upon hearing the glories of Vishnu from his son, Hiranyakashipu asked him about the whereabouts of the Lord and Prahlad told him that the Supreme Personality is omnipresent and is therefore present in every part of this universe. Envious as he was of the Lord, he immediately struck a pillar with his fist after Prahlad had confirmed that the lord would be present there too, and out came Lord Narasimha dev, the lord’s half lion, half man incarnation, which was so ferocious in his appearance that Hiranyakashipu could understand, his death was now certain. Yet he fought with the Lord, and Narasimhadev, without transgressing the benediction that Hiranyakashipu had received from Brahma, tore open his body and killed him, thus giving pleasure to the entire universe, which had been suffering due to the atrocities of the demon.